Post of 20 Feb 2015
Post of 06 Nov 2014
New press kit ''HybWeldCut''

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Post of 07 Oct 2014
Les démonstrations commencent!

La technologie HYBWELDCUT sera présentée lors d'une première session de démonstrations organisée du 14 au 24 octobre et du 12 au 27 novembre chez Malex S.A.

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Post of 02 Mar 2015
Welding the way you want

For joining coils, a machine made by Belgian company Malex switches flexibly between resistance welding and laser welding depending on the type of steel, and also uses the laser source for cutting.

Post of 21 Jun 2014
Un outil unique au monde et 100% made in Charleroi

Aujourd'hui, grâce à l'aide de la région wallonne, Malex dispose d'un démonstrateur technologique de soudeuse-découpeuse.

Post of 20 Jun 2014
Malex développe une machine à souder révolutionnaire...

Une technologie plus rapide, plus fiable, polyvalente, réductrice de stress pour les opérateurs.

Post of 23 Jun 2014
La soudeuse révolutionnaire de Malex

Malex innove à plusieurs égards. D'abord, elle recourt au laser à solide, plus compact, plus flexible, plus fiable et moin énergivore....

 Press Space


Post of 02 Mar 2015
Welding the way you want

For joining coils, a machine made by Belgian company Malex switches flexibly between resistance welding and laser welding depending on the type of steel, and also uses the laser source for cutting.

Joining coils is part of the steel industry's day to day business. For machines to work continuously, coil welding machines positioned at the beginning of the rolling mill connect the tail end of one coil to the beginning of the next, creating an endless ribbon. Yet not all steel is the same: the official Register of European Steels lists over 2,300 varieties. This is a challenge for coil welding machines, because while some steel is best joined using laser welding, others do better with resistance welding.

With this in mind, Belgian company Malex S.A. has developed a new kind of machine that can switch flexibly back and forth between the two methods depending on the kind of steel.  The machine is specially designed for cold rolled coils with a thickness of 0,2 to 3 millimeters and a width of up to 1,600 millimeters. "Laser welding has come to dominate in many areas, but resistance welding is still the most widely used. Our goal was to unite the two methods in one hybrid machine and also use the laser for weld preparation", company manager Alex Quaranta explains.

The entire article on the next link:


Post of 02 Mar 2015
Welding the way you want

For joining coils, a machine made by Belgian company Malex switches flexibly between resistance welding and laser welding depending on the type of steel, and also uses the laser source for cutting.

Joining coils is part of the steel industry's day to day business. For machines to work continuously, coil welding machines positioned at the beginning of the rolling mill connect the tail end of one coil to the beginning of the next, creating an endless ribbon. Yet not all steel is the same: the official Register of European Steels lists over 2,300 varieties. This is a challenge for coil welding machines, because while some steel is best joined using laser welding, others do better with resistance welding.

With this in mind, Belgian company Malex S.A. has developed a new kind of machine that can switch flexibly back and forth between the two methods depending on the kind of steel.  The machine is specially designed for cold rolled coils with a thickness of 0,2 to 3 millimeters and a width of up to 1,600 millimeters. "Laser welding has come to dominate in many areas, but resistance welding is still the most widely used. Our goal was to unite the two methods in one hybrid machine and also use the laser for weld preparation", company manager Alex Quaranta explains.

The entire article on the next link:


Post of 21 Jun 2014
Un outil unique au monde et 100% made in Charleroi

Aujourd'hui, grâce à l'aide de la région wallonne, Malex dispose d'un démonstrateur technologique de soudeuse-découpeuse.  Baptisé Hybweldcut, il apporte une solution innovante aux problèmes de raboutage des coils en aciers spéciaux de 0,2 à 3 mm développés actuellement en sidérurgie.  Il permet à Malex de montrer à ses cleints, actuels et potentiels, un matériel de production grandeur nature et fonctionnel.  Ce produit exclusif de haute technologie tient compte à la fois des développements du secteurs sidérurgique, de la sécurité des opérateurs de ligne mais aussi des préoccupations environnementales.  La commercialisation de cette technologie permettra à l'entreprise carolo de développer ses activités aussi bien en Belgique que sur le marché international..  M-G.D. (SudPresse)

Post of 23 Jun 2014
La soudeuse révolutionnaire de Malex

Malex innove à plusieus égards. D'abord, elle recourt au laser à solide, plus compact, plus flexible, plus fiable, moins énergivore, tout en permettant de multiplier les postes de travail au départ de la source. Ensuite, la machine est hybride: elle permet de coupler les technologies laser - y compris pour la découpe des tôles - et résistance, ce qui permets de passer d'un à l'autre selon les besoins.  Surtout, Malex opte pour le revamping des outils existants. Cette modernisation de l'outil est plus économique que l'installation de matériel neuf....  Benoît Wattier (L'Avenir)

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